New Moon coming!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The BITCH factor

So yesterday i was talking to my ex (yes we do talk) and we ended up sort of arguing about women always playing with men...
Let me set the record straight:
  1. We very rarely do it.
  2. We only do it cause you let us!
You see, during the first months of us dating he was a bit of an ... insensitive bastard. You can ask him, he will agree with the statement. Anyway, his friend, supposedly his best friend, worked with me, in fact i got him the job, and i kept talking about my then boyfriend with him, always worried, concerned, sad. And the guy was always nice and understanding and stuff. He kept saying how he envied his friend for having a girl that loved him so much.
In retrospective i know realise i should have seen the signs but i did not. After a few months he succeeded in seducing me when i was really vulnerable and we ended up kissing. I felt sorry for the guy since he had never kissed a girl before and seemed so happy, and lowered my guard. Yes... I was incredibly stupid.
The guy kept wanting more and it reached a point where it was hurting my work and myself. When i pulled away completely he going to my bf and telling him he was feeling guilty cause he had let ME seduce HIM.
You see, this is how guys truly work. The coward ones at least.
They lie and cheat and manipulate, but WE are the ones that "play" with them.
At that time i actually had beat him to the punch and told my bf and he told me he believed me despite his friend's lie.
Well turns out that, from my conversation yesterday, he did not. It seems he wholeheartedly believed i had seduced his friend.
Yes, like i was interested in the guy for starters.
I mean i actually had videotaped proof of the guy hitting on me day after day after day cause the place where we worked had video surveillance.
Me and my now ex actually dated for two years after thar event.
This story though tought me something. Never trust a guy that pities himself.
Or never trust a guy, period.
Yes it was my fault to for letting myself being seduced, even if i was vulnerable and my then bf had basically spent his time with me grudging one of his ex's and telling me he loved me but was not in love with me and shit like that.
Shame on me for putting myself on that spot.
But its even worse to realise that there are men out there that actually mess up, almost ruin someone's life, and get away clean cause women are those bitches that always play with their feelings.
Newsflash, we dont.
You guys keep thinking that we are sending out signals, that we are playing with you...
Nop... We are just not that into you.
No we dont like it when you guys chase us, we dont want you to buy us drinks, we don't care if you saw us across the room and thought we looked cute, hot, like a babe... WHATEVER!
If you thought we were hitting on you most likely you thought wrong.
Look guys, girls, when they are truly interested, they dont play. They dont send mix signals. Trust me when we are into you we can be very very clear!
If we ignore, run, say no, tell you to leave as alone, and turn our face when we see you or seem frightened in anyway WE DO NOT WANT YOU.
You call us a bitch or a cock tease.
We call you a mental case who needs a reality check.


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